Licks and tail wags!

Or for my human readers, Hello!  My name is Iris!

So I heard that humans can see more colors than I can.  Something to do with having more color sensitive cone cells than dogs.  Humans have blue, red and green cones.  (I don’t know what “red” and “green” look like, but I’m familiar with blue and yellow.)  I also heard humans have better focus from a distance.  So why do they sometimes look at things for so long?  If they can see the thing, why continue looking?  If it was me, I’d just stand in one spot.  Turn in a circle.  Get a panoramic view.  Be done with it!

I went on a hike with my human recently.  We hiked to the top of a tall peak.  It was sunny and there was a breeze.  There were other people up there.  They all looked out to the horizon.  I joined in.  I saw a large valley, trees, houses and mountains.  It only took me a moment.  But all the humans continued to stare.  The scenery never changed.  Some even took pictures of what they had already looked at for several minutes.  And then they stared at the picture.  Up close.  It was very odd.

Sight can’t be as captivating as smell, can it?  Seeing more colors couldn’t possibly compare to having millions more olfactory receptors.  The vast array of perfumes!  The endless combinations of odors!  The thrill of decoding what it all means!  I love to savor the smell of a single spot.  Or shove my nose right up into a thing.  It’s all the more satisfying up close!  I’m getting too excited – My tail is wagging and I can’t stop!

But sight?  I don’t get it.  I guess only a human would understand what the big deal is.  That’s OK.  I wouldn’t give up my nose for anything.  At least in the dark I can see much better than a human.  Something to do with having more rod cells in my eyes.

Luckily, I always have my sense of smell!


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